Writing history in the national agricultural scene since 1975.

Commitment to the Environment: Produce meat thinking about the future, committed to sustainability.


55 Thousand Heads


75 Thousand Hectares

Our Properties

  • Sovereign

    Located in the municipality of Grajaú formed by six contiguous areas that are Farms: Soberana, Colorado, Buritirana, Paquetá, Ingarana and Caxias.

  • Bonanza

    Located in the municipality of Arame, the farm is a reference in breeding Nelore cattle, as well as supplying local producers with excess production of heifers for rearing. The Company also invests heavily in IATF (Fixed Time Artificial Insemination) protocols, seeking to increasingly improve its zootechnical indicators.

  • Viamão

    Located on the border of the municipalities of Grajaú and Arame, the property is destined to receive all the production of separated females, coming from Fazendas Soberana and Bonanza. Viamão specializes in raising calves. The females remain on the farm until they are pregnant, when they are then transferred to the Soberana and Bonanza farms for lambing.

  • Itaipavas

    Located in the south of Pará, the property specializes in fattening males, working in the semi-confinement system integrating agriculture with livestock.

  • São José

    Located in Pernambuco, the property operates in a semi-confinement system, raising and fattening cattle. With easy access to the region's water basin.


Create | Agriculture | ILP

Grajá - MA



Wire - MA



Grajáu | Wire - MA

Itaipavas - PA

Fattening | Agriculture | ILP

Piçarra - PA

San José


Sairé - PE


Create | Agriculture | ILP

Grajá - MA



Wire - MA

------ What we do ------

Our products

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    Inovações na pecuária impulsionam a eficiência e a sustentabilidade

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    Pecuária sustentável é a prática de criar e manejar gado de maneira a preservar recursos naturais, promover o bem-estar animal 

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    Equilibrando o manejo responsável do gado com a proteção dos ecossistemas e a conservação dos recursos naturais

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    (ILP) estratégia inovadora que combina a produção agrícola com a criação de gado, promovendo a sustentabilidade

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    O plantio direto é uma técnica agrícola que preserva o solo e melhora a eficiência produtiva

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    O uso biológico na agricultura aplica organismos vivos, como insetos benéficos e microrganismos, para controlar pragas e doenças, promovendo uma abordagem sustentável e ecológica que reduz a necessidade de químicos e melhora a saúde do solo.

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    Armazenamento e secagem adequados de grãos são essenciais para preservar a qualidade e a integridade dos produtos, garantindo uma safra livre de perdas e otimizada.




We manage all stages of production, from animal reproduction and growth to fattening and marketing, ensuring the sustainability and efficiency of the system.


Low carbon agriculture

Low-carbon agriculture using precision agriculture and no-till farming to maximize efficiency, reduce emissions and promote sustainable practices in the field.


Crop-Livestock Integration (ILP)

It promotes efficient management of resources, combining agricultural production with livestock farming in a sustainable way, which improves soil productivity and contributes to environmental recovery.


Drying |Storage

A complete infrastructure for grain storage and drying, combined with effective management, guarantees the preservation of product quality and the optimization of logistical processes, ensuring a safe and efficient harvest.


We care about what is ours. But we are not talking about our properties, but about nature. The Group is always careful with the ecosystem and uses it with all possible care.

Responsible livestock farming contributes to the preservation of the environment by adopting sustainable practices that balance food production and the conservation of natural resources.

Development of sustainable activities

    Recovery of Degraded Pastures
    Direct Planting System
    Crop-Livestock Integration (ILP)
    biological inputs
    Intensive Termination
    Preservation of natural resources

Member of the Pontes Group

Since 1960, the group has built a solid history full of achievements in the hotel, tourism agency, security, livestock and agriculture segments.

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